Sunday, October 7, 2012

Buffalo Farm BDP

                               Chapter I

                       Introduction of business

1.1 The Company

Today the world is moving towards the advancement by the development of business in different sectors. The plants are never away with the animals. There is the strong relationship between the lives stocks and the plants. And this has created the high demand of the vegetarian products. Plants are not enough to produce the vegetarian products. Thus the need of animals has been identified which can be fulfilled by the milk. To meet today’s milk demand Raaz Buffalo Farm has promised to give the necessary support in that field. Toady various products made by milk are to be provided in daily parties, food festivals and in many picnics too. Many people are being vegetarian and the chocolate items are demanded more today. Milk is the complete food since it provides all the necessary ingredients needed for the proper development of the body.
Livestock and the plants have been helpful in the balance of nature. Keeping in consideration of organic fertilizer we have put forward this business both for the balance in nature as well as to fulfill the milk demand in our surroundings. 
The Raaz Buffalo Farm (RBF) offers quality milk to its customer efficiently and effectively i.e. delivery at the reasonable time and cost. Market for milk is growing rapidly because of the increase in the number of vegetarian and the more items needed in the parties, ceremonies and picnics. More verities are produced by milk. Paneer, Curd, Butter, Ghee, Nauni, Mohi, Ice creams, Chocolates etc are the varieties produced by milk.
Milk contains all the nutrients for the proper development of human body. It fulfills the requirements like proteins, vitamins, water, fats, carbohydrates and other nutrients. Thus milk satisfies the needs of health-conscious consumers and are a desirable alternative food, especially for vegetarians. Similarly the manure i.e. the compost fertilizer is the best fertilizer for the plants which is free from harmful chemicals.

1.1.1 Corporate Mission, Vision, Goal and Objectives

Our Mission
·    To enlighten consumers on the virtues and benefits of milk from our members. 
·   Promote and drive category growth for our customers. 
·   For efficient, fair and sustainable supply chain to optimize returns, innovate and provide best value services to our consumers.
·   Developing a trustworthy brand image
·   Creating professional human resources
·   Upholding transparent and crystal clear management
·   Developing a harmonious networking and relationship
·   Implementing Information Technology based approach
Our Vision
To be the best, most innovative Milk Producer in the Business.
·         To ensure honesty and openness in all our commercial dealings.
·         To focus on the need and expectations of the customers.
·         To consistently demonstrate our passion for quality and strive for continuous improvement of our product to the customer and service to our members.
Goals and Objectives
·    To reach self-reliance in the economy through supply chain of milk producers, distributed through wholesale and retail outlets, and consumed.
·    To provide milks with high quality, readily available, handled properly, effectively and efficiently to ensure the benefits to the people.
·    To maintain and expand the existing markets and develop the new markets and uses for milks that is vital to the welfare of consumer.
·     To cooperative development, financing, and implementation of a coordinated program of milk promotion for startup business.
·     To make milk available at reasonable cost through research, and consumer information.
·     To strengthen the milk industry's position in the marketplace.
With the Motto "MILK’S TOUCH DEVELOPS THE THOUGHT", it is an expression of the full confidence in the economic prospects and business. Strong management team, fulfill the market needs, as well as new shareholder requirements, shows that Raaz Buffalo Farm has all the ingredients to be success in reaching its goal.
Raaz Buffalo Farm is mainly focused for the terrain region. The production plant will be installed at Jahada V.D.C 8 Nawalparasi. Nawalparasi is plane geographical area with the availability of access underground water resource and thus is the most appropriate   place for production because of the excess land and suitable environment. The most important thing is that the buffaloes and the human resources are available in low cost in comparison to the hilly regions. Hence, this region has very good prospects of transportation as well for the delivery of the milk and the compost fertilizer. This farm has also got the location advantage since good market area, access water, plan area for grass development are available here.
Present Status of the Business and the Promoters
Still the competition in the milk production in Nawalparasi is no more. Thus except the house wise keeping of buffaloes very few farms are present. However some large farms in Rupandehi are available. Though the number of the farms may be increasing still the demand of milk is much more. Companies like Pawan Misthan  Bhandar, Om Ganapati Misthan Bhandar are ready to contract for the milk. I am also a young MBA student with the strategic missions and visions having the desire and ability to deal with the threats and convert them into the opportunities.  We will be six members establishing this farm. 

1.2 The Project

1.2.1 Rationale of the new Project

Business starts with the feasibility analysis. During feasibility analysis we found the current market have high demand of milk. And the government has been providing special offers in the field of agribusiness and the livestock. Negligible tax rate and the low interest rate for loan have also encouraged forwarding the farm. The feasibility for inauguration of the business inspired much. The feasibility analysis also showed that the availability of raw materials, water resources, ease in transportation and delivery is quite suitable for the business.

1.2.2 Objective of the Project

·      Make a good farm in own area.
·      Make accessible of milk with effective supply chain.
·      To reach economic self-reliance as entrepreneur through income generation.
·      Expand and maintain the market and develop the new market and gain the competitive advantage.
·      Provide employment for the local peoples.

1.2.3 Strategy of the Project

Strategy differs from time to time and business to business. It is very difficult to stand up and survive for the new enterprise or the firms. However we also know that the rate of return increases with time and the loyalty of customers become high by the good customer relationship, quality in products, and quick service. Thus initially we will make aware to the consumers about the benefits of milk through promotion in local level and slowly outside. Maintain the crucial relationship with the potential consumer. Producing milk in economies of scale that would minimize the cost than competitors with better quality and taste.

                               Chapter II

                           Production Plan

2.1 The Product

Raaz Buffalo Farm has milk and dung as its products. Its products also involve the calves .Milk is considered as the complete food. It contains all the necessary ingredients for the proper development of the body. Proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, and water are the necessary nutrients present in the milk. The products are as follows;
Price per unit
Rs. 50 per liter
Rs. 3000 per taali (Tractor)
Rs. 12000 per calf

The above prices are based on the market survey. Milk will be sold at Rs. 50 per liter, similarly dung at Rs. 3000 per tractor and the calves at Rs. 12000. The calves are sold at the age of 1 year.
Thus, the attributes of this milk and the consumer consumption benefits can be displayed in the product laddering as follows.

Fig: The product laddering of milk

Quality Assurance
The production of quality milk requires a high level of competence and skill. It includes the proper feeding for the buffaloes. The principal management factors that draw attention are temperature monitoring, watering, carbon dioxide monitoring, humidity control, air movement and hygiene, pest and disease control.  The manager and laborers of the plant will be provided training on these aspects.  Vaccination is very important in the buffalo keeping. It also requires the appropriate amount of Baran, Straw, Hey, Salt and the nutritious green grasses. Moreover, an veteran will be employed to constantly monitor the buffaloes and the calves. It’s very important to maintain the temperature since milk may be damaged.

2.2 Production Materials

Availability of Materials
All the required materials can be efficiently and conveniently purchased where available. Baran, Hey, Salt are available in the market and vaccination can be done by the help of doctor assistant.

Research and Development
The company would maintain a close relationship with the Livestock doctor to be abreast of the recent developments in research and development of production of milk. Also the research and development team supervise the production process and the quality of milk as well as the raw materials used as food for the buffaloes.

2.3 Production Technique and the Process

Buffaloes in Nepal are well known for their ability to thrive on low quality forage, as they utilize crop residues- straws of rice, millet, wheat and legumes across all agro-ecozones, but are also fed on green forage. It is usually a milking buffalo which is offered with high quality green fodder and some supplemental grains on regular basis. In Terai, inner Terai and the lower hills, buffalo are usually given a permanent housing either separate from or attached to the house of the owner farmers. As the altitude increases towards North, the buffalo housing tends to be increasingly temporary and poorly built, exposing the animals to increasingly cold climate.With the production of products; it is obvious that the production materials are also required. The materials for production are no more tangible assets or equipment however buffaloes are responsible for the production of milk, dung and the calves. For this process the buffaloes are vaccinated with the sperms which can be bought as an injection. This process also includes the skilled manpower who can supply the necessary food materials to the livestock. The environmental temperature is maintained and thus suitable breeding environment is created. Daily the food requirement is fulfilled and more care is given in cleanliness and the nutrition.

2.4 Production Plan

Today the demand of milk as well as dung is increasing day by day. To meet this demand we best plan for the better production of high and quality milk by focusing on cleanliness and nutrition. As per the market coverage and the requirement basis the demand and supply are analyzed. The full capacity of the buffaloes is 112000 liter per year. It may be increasing or decreasing. Thus we have supposed that the production of milk is 80% in first year and 100% on the next remaining years.

2.5 Factory Location and Layout

The company will establish this farm in Jahada V.D.C Jahada 8, Nawalparasi which is located in plane area near to the graveled road. Here, the price of land is acceptable compared to other places. The labor is also cheap in this locality. The firm includes the buffaloes and the human resources, storing house, and an office building. 
The farm consists of one Bigha in which office building is made in 4 kattha where as the shed is made in 6 kattha and the fodder i.e the grass is produced in 5 kattha. For the inventory of straw and hey a separate area is separated. The area will be surrounded by the fences made by a cemented bar and the spiny ropes i.e. kade tar. The office consists of the furniture and the fans. Motors and the vehicles will be kept in one corner. The shed are made of two types one for the calves and another for the adult buffaloes. The balance of temperature will be taken into consideration.

                          Chapter III

        Management & Human Resource plan


3.1 Structure of the Organization

Structure determines the organization of the human resources in an organization as to make a network to communicate and share the skills, views, strategies to obtain the goal of the organization. A structure depends entirely on the organization’s objectives and the strategy chosen to achieve them. In a centralized structure, the decision making power is concentrated to the top layer of the management team and tight control is exercised over departments and divisions. Similarly, in decentralized structure, the decision making power is distributed and the departments and divisions have varying degrees of autonomy. Our organization will have following type of structure.










3.2 Human Resource Policy

Policies are often the backbone of the organization. Human resource policy deals with the employment laws, guidelines and information, performance management, process redesign and development, sample and example policies, procedures, forms, training and development. Our farm will be operating for 365 days.
All the policy will be accounted as per act of the company. The employee recruitment and selection, hiring and firing will be accordance with company need and regulation. Employee should notice 15 days earlier before resignation. Salary will be paid on performance, education and experience basis.  The company would provide attractive salaries. The employees will be paid one month extra salary at the end of the fiscal year. The company will be an equal opportunity employer. The owners would continually measure the job satisfaction of the employees in order to take steps to increase the employees’ work effort and commitment.

The company will recruit a general manager, one accountant and four Workers. The manager will supervise the activities of the entire procedure. S/he will also hold the whole husbandry. Thus s/he must have a few years of previous experience of supervising, and keeping accounts. The Workers work from 7:00 AM to 11: 00 AM and from 2:00 PM to 8:00 PM. The Workers will have at least primary schooling so that they can understand directions. The account must be a business graduate in accounting with skills. S/he will be given training on the accounting system of the company. Since the manager has no more tasks to do thus s/he will be responsible for the delivery of milk and the dung.
The human resource requirement and placement are as follows:
Salary (per month)
Total (Rs.)
Rs .8000
Other employees
Rs .18000


Success depends on the hard working and production of the quality production in time. The total salary paid to the human resources in the first year is Rs.559, 000.

3.2.1 Employee Management and Employee Performance Management

·         Formal procedure of recruiting and hiring will be applied.
·         Employee salary will be based on their post and capacity with their experience.
·         Educational background and nature of job will be matched.

3.2.2 Motivation, Coaching, Training, and Development

For any organization motivation plays very important role to satisfy the employees as well as to make them committed towards the organization. Various tangible and intangible assets will be provided to promote the employees as per the need.
·         Necessary training related to the nutrition, cleanliness etc. will be provided per month.
·         Flexibility in working hour will be provided.
·         Livestock care training will be given.
·         Considering the safety of the employees, the farm will provide them gloves, masks, shoes, and uniform.

3.3. Labor Market and Availability of Staff

Labor market may be local or national in their scope and are made up of smaller, interacting labor markets for different qualifications, skills, and geographical locations. Nawalparasi is totally farmer based region and thus the human resources are available in low cost and in convenient way. Many people are seeking job that are unemployed. Our farm best tries to decrease the unemployment on further days if the initial investment is returned. Selection of manager and the accountant will be also easier due to the low qualification needed for this farm.

3.4. Roles and Responsibilities of Key Staffs

Every human resources has own responsibility in the organization. They do their own task and try to make a harmonic environment to work easily. Here we have divided the role and responsibilities of the human resources as follows.

3.4.1 Farm Manager

For our farm, the farm manager will be responsible for entire operations conducted inside the buffalo farm. The necessary equipment, payment of interest, delivery of the milk and dung, valuation of the calves will be done by the farm manager. Scheduling daily task by the workers, report generating will be done by the manager.

3.4.2 Accountant Officer

In Raaz Buffalo Farm, the accountant should have to maintain fair and transparent accounting records carried out inside the farm. S/he will be responsible for financial activities management.
Following activities have to be done by the accountant.
i)                    To record revenue and expense.
ii)                  To lead the farm in absence of the manager.
iii)                To provide the pesky etc and salary in time.

3.4.3 Workers

Workers are responsible for following tasks.
i)                    To cut the grasses and straw.
ii)                  To collect the dung and make environment clean.
iii)                To collect milk.
iv)                To irrigate in the field.

Chapter IV

Environmental Analysis

Environment analysis deals with the study of the surrounding. Business is social activity and all the activities are done with in the surrounding very close to the life of the nature. Various factors affect the business. The factors may be internal or external.
External factors involve all the factors which cannot be easily controlled and affected by human activities. Thus political environment, economic environment, socio-cultural environment legal environment, technological environment and global environment are the external factors which affect the business. Similarly, internal environment refers to the factors which can be controlled. This includes competitors, suppliers, promoters, shareholders, employees and their unions.
Environmental effects were studied by survival analysis, adjusted to the fixed effects of farm, year and season of birth, class of first-lactation milk yield and age at first calving. Buffaloes with a higher milk yield at first calving presented a lower culling probability and remained for a longer period of time in the herd. The effects of breeding farm, year of birth and first-lactation milk yield should be included in models used for the analysis of ST in buffaloes.
Scanning trough these internal and external environment help us to find the challenges which can be changed into the opportunities.

4.1 Macro Economic Analysis

About 37% of the people of Nepal live below the international poverty line. While agriculture remains the main source of income for around 77% of the people. Therefore, there is limited land available for the cultivation of vegetables. Moreover, a population growth rate of 2.1% per annum is also reducing per capita land holding of the country. Thus the milk item products are lacking in the community. There is high demand of food in today’s scenario which can also be fulfilled by the milk. Macro economic analysis consists of the following factors.

4.2 Demand and Supply analysis

Today’s worldwide competition has made the business to be determined by the market forces i.e. demand and supply. Supply and demand is an economic model of price determination of products in the markets. Thus demand and supply affect the price of the products. Today also the demand of milk is high and the supply is less. Our farm will just try to make the demand supply equilibrium. The full employment opportunity and the growth plays vital role in the economic development and the nation. The potential customer is fixed. These customers are the dairy and the local individuals.

4.3 Assessing the various Risk

Often the business bears several problems and there is a high level of risk. The risk of environment, political stability, socio-cultural environment risk etc. arises. The analysis provides a comprehensive review of the Nepalese market over the last twenty years, looking at the impact of historical, political and employment relations developments on the working environment. It presents both objective evidence concerning the relationship between labor market developments and broad economic trends as well as the subjective views of employers, workers and trade union leaders on labor legislation and the functioning of the labor market.

4.3.1 Socio-cultural Factors

Culture, customs, beliefs, lifestyles and values are the parts of the socio-cultural factors. These factors play significant role to make the customers satisfy. The need, expectations of the customers is determined by these factors.
In every society and community there is a huge demand of milk and its products. All most of the festivals need is the milk. Not only in the festivals,  is  milk required in our daily life. We make tea, butter, ghee, etc daily. Chocolate items, cakes, ice-creams, sweets etc are made by the milk. In Eid, Tihar, Rakshyabandan, Maghi, and many more of the festival the milk is required. Today people are focusing on the parties, picnics, and get together programs which finally need the milk products.  Socio-cultural factors such as religion, beliefs, food preferences, gender discrimination, education and women’s' employment all have a noticeable influence on food consumption patterns in this region. Mass media, especially televised food advertisements, play an important role in modifying the dietary habits. The migration movement, particularly that which was carried out during the 70s has a great impact on the food practices in many Arab countries.  It is found that milk production is the best option to meet the demand of nutritious food too.

4.3.2 Political Risk

Political environment may be positive or negative. It may support the business or may destruct the business. If the political situation of the country is favorable than the business is supported and the business gets advanced. However, government has provided better service and the policies in the favor of the buffalo farm. It has decreased the interest rate in livestock and agricultural activities. The tax payment is also less with the buffalo farm. The new policy of the government is that it will buy the compost fertilizer when no other customers come front.

4.3.3 Economic Risk

Change in the fiscal and the monetary policy impacts on the business. The rapid change in the interest rates is affecting on the return of the investment. The inflation on the equipments and materials are also the risk to be taken into consideration. It may be summarized as:
i)        The possibility of economic downturn may negatively impact the firm.
ii)      Tax policies may be changed in agricultural sectors.
iii)    Various donation to political parties may be hamper for the organization

4.3.4 Technological Risk

The technological change is creating vast different in the cost of production and quality. Technology can reduce the cost due to economies of scale where as it requires huge amount of investment. However it may create following risks:
i)        Lack of knowledge to handle the new technologies.
ii)      Problem in operating with new technologies.
iii)     Acquiring the advance technology.

4.3.5 Global Risk

Due to globalization the world had become the small village. The companies are gaining competitive advantage through globalization due to the increase in the market area. However these risks may appear:
i)        Recession may affect the monetary value of the currencies.
ii)      Foreigner business man may attack the market area.

4.4 Analysis of Competitors

There are numerous small firms for the milk production. Small dairy are more in numbers. However the demand of milk is much more. They have a few numbers of buffaloes and mostly they supply to the local area. Our farm will better produce milk and supply to the Chitwan dairy and others. Still the dairies are not operated in their full capacity. There is huge amount of milk and milk product so that the farm will not face any difficulties to sell the milk.

4.5 Suppliers and Customers

The first and foremost thing in business is to find out the customers and their expectations and demand. The basic principles for doing business are to satisfy the customer, satisfy the supplier, and continuously improve the business processes to satisfy promoters and shareholders.
i)        How do you satisfy the customer?
ii)      Why should you satisfy the supplier?
iii)    What is continuous improvement?
1) Satisfy the Customer
Our primary customers are the dairy and the local peoples. We have planned to sell the milk in whole sale and the dung to the customers according to the need. As per our plan we will be producing 8 liter milk per day per buffalo for 250 days. The first and major principle is to satisfy the customer-the person who pays for the product or service. Customers want to get their money's worth from a product or service they purchase. If the user of the product is different than the purchaser, then both the user and customer must be satisfied, although the person who pays gets priority.

2) Satisfy the Supplier
Our Farm, is mainly dependent with suppliers for the straw, hey, legumes, Baran, salt etc. We do have many suppliers in our V.D.C because there are mills for the grinding of wheat, and rice.A second principle is to satisfy the supplier, which is the person or organization from whom you are purchasing goods or raw materials. We will be satisfying the suppliers by paying them for needed materials in time.
External Suppliers:
A company must look to satisfy their external suppliers by providing them with clear instructions and requirements and then paying them fairly and on time. It is only in the company's best interest that its suppliers provide it with quality materials, milk seeds etc. if the company hopes to provide quality goods or services to its external customers.
Internal Suppliers:
A supervisor must try to keep his or her workers happy and productive by providing good task instructions, the tools they need to do their job and good working conditions. The supervisor must also reward the workers with praise and good pay.

4.6 Analysis of Internal Factors

Labor Unions
Unions are not always bad although they conflict with the management team. The labor unions are the source of motivation and the unity in the team work which make prominent effect in the following:
Ø Get better work
The reason to do this is to get more productivity out of the workers, as well as to keep the good workers. An effective supervisor with a good team of workers will certainly satisfy his or her internal customers.
Ø  Empower Labors
One area of satisfying the internal suppler is by empowering the workers. This means to allow them to make decisions on things that they can control. This not only takes the burden off the supervisor, but it also motivates these internal suppliers to do better work.
Ø  Worker suggestions
Workers are often a source of continuous improvements. They can provide suggestions on how to improve a process and eliminate waste or unnecessary work.
Promoters / Shareholders
The success of the mission and objectives satisfy the promoters. The wealth maximization, goodwill, and reputation pay much to the shareholders and make them happy and make the crucial ground for investment opportunity.

Organizational Values and Norms
The organization should follow all the duties and responsibility for which it meant the existence of the business. It accounts all the responsibility, to the shareholders, customers, suppliers’ society and the nation.
Ø  Company philosophy
A company that seeks to satisfy the customer by providing them value for what they buy and the quality they expect will get more repeat business, referral business, and reduced complaints and service expenses. Some top companies not only provide quality products, but they also give extra service to make their customers feel important and valued.
Ø  Continuous improvement
The important principle is continuous improvement. You can never be satisfied with the method used, because there always can be improvements. Certainly, the competition is improving, so it is very necessary to strive to keep ahead of the game.
Ø  Working smarter, not harder
Some companies have tried to improve by making employees work harder. This may be counter-productive, especially if the process itself is flawed. Often the process has bottlenecks that are the real cause of the problem. These must be removed.

4.7 Michael Porter's Five Forces Model Analysis
Michael E. Porter of Harvard Business School in 1979 developed the framework through which the company or industry can analyze its competitive environment. Porter’s five forces model determines the competitive status with the analysis of five competitive forces which are:  Threats of new entrant, bargaining power of customers, bargaining power of customers, Threat of substitute and Level of rivalry. Noodle Industry's competitive analysis is presented in the picture below as suggested by Michael E. Porter.
1) Barriers to Entry:

It represents how easy or difficult is the situation for new entrants to startup the similar company in the industry. New companies can enter into the business because huge investment is not required. However there is no barrier in the entry of milk producing company due to high demand of milk.

2) Bargaining Power of Buyers:
Bargaining power of buyers refers to the strength of the buyer’s position. In context of the noodles industry, buyers / customers are the individuals or organizations using the product provided by the noodles companies. Buyers are strong because they have significant influence over product and the price. There are numbers of same product in the market; customers have a lot of alternatives. But fortunately the bargaining power is less for customers in terms of milk.

3) Bargaining Power of Suppliers:

The Suppliers in the Buffalo Farm are the straw, hey, Baran, salt, chokar, etc. The power of the companies to select the suppliers shows that the suppliers are strong. Since more mill are in this surroundings thus, number of supplier in the Nepali market for this farm are more.

4) Rivalry among the Existing Players:

Very small farms and the household business in milk production exist in Nawalparasi. They are not able to supply the milk in the level of demand. Thus, rivalry does not affect too much in this business.

5) Threat of Substitutes:
The threat of substitute products occurs when the demand of a product is affected by the price or service provided by the substitute product changes. The cheaper price and easy availability of different noodles has affected the sales may affect our products. Each and every noodle can be obtained in almost all shops; in this situation customer have alternatives to choose the noodles.
On the other hands the substitutes like biscuits and different snacks ate highly available in the market within similar range of price. So the lower price substitute products are the strong substitutes for our noodle.

Chapter V

Marketing Plan

5.1 Present Scenario of the Product

Milk is the complete food which contains all the necessary ingredients of the nutrients for the proper growth and performance of the body. Since it contains all the nutrients, it is the healthy food. It helps in the proper growth of the body. It also provides the strength and the immunity to fight against the diseases. Today more are the people who are vegetarian and all most everyday there is a high demand of milk every day.  Similarly, compost fertilizer is the nutrients for the plants and they are better suggested to use by the agricultural assistants. Since the compost fertilizer is free from harmful chemicals and the effect of the fertilizer is long lasting farmers believe in this fertilizer.

5.2 Existing producers and their Capacity

Still no reputed milk producing companies are available.  Very small firms are available and the small households keep buffaloes and produce very negligible amount of milk in comparison to the demand of the milk. Some dairies collect milk in small amount in the local areas.

5.3 Gap Analysis

In Gap analysis we compare actual performance with potential performance. At its core are two questions: "Where are we?" and "Where do we want to be?"  If a company or organization does not make the best use of current resources, or forgoes investment in capital or technology, it may produce or perform below its potential. This concept is similar to the base case of being below the production possibilities frontier. Such analysis can be performed at the strategic or operational level of an organization.
We assure our resources of what a business is doing currently and where it wants to go in the future and fulfill it. It can be conducted, in different perspectives, as follows:
1. Organization (e.g., human resources)
2. Business direction
3. Business processes
4. Information technology

GAP Analysis

Figure : Medicinal Value of  Milk
Milk contains water, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals and fats. People today are aware of health. They have understood the meaning of healthy life.  They thus follow the motto that health is wealth. Whenever we drink milk we get all nutrients and there is no need to search other food for these nutrients. For the most part, these health benefits center on the effect these milk can have in enhancing and bolstering the immune system.
Ø  Pioneer company
There is no milk company which produces purely for the domestic consumers. Therefore, Quality Milk Company will be the pioneer of the market and it will be easy for it to build a position in the mind of the consumers.
Ø  Labor-intensive
This business does not require a large amount of capital.  It is mainly labor intensive. It does not require a lot of land, equipments or machinery. A simple cropping house, built from locally available material is adequate. Sufficient watering of the cropping house provides the moisture level required to trigger milk fruiting.
Ø  Government facilities
The Government of Nepal is encouraging the business people to invest in livestock. It is also providing different types of loan facilities for these types of programs. Therefore, it will be easy for the company to obtain loans and thus to expand the business.
Ø  Image of the product
In the local market many people believe that milks are only for vegetarian and that it is difficult to protect and make other items. This image of the core product is a major weakness of the company.
Ø  Consumer illiteracy
As some people are uneducated and do not know the importance of milk for human body and compost fertilizer for the plants they do not choose milk.
Ø  Price
As meat can be bought at low cost and the same amount could be served to more people                                                 than milk thus people may not support this.
Ø  Expand the product line
At the very beginning the company will just produce little amount of milks but it will have the opportunity to produce milk in different seasons. It will also be possible to grow the other types of milks by creating an artificial environment using technology.
Ø  Expand the market
If the company can educate the rural consumers through a heavy promotional campaign, it will be able to expand its market to a large extent. The company also has the potential opportunity to export milks to other countries.
Ø  Competitors
The Government of Nepal is vastly encouraging the business people to invest in agro-business and is also providing different types of loan facilities for these businesses. Thus, it is likely that very soon the company will face extensive competition.
Ø  Government agency
In the first few years, the company will be collecting spawn from the government agro based organization operation. If the government decides to close down this project, the company will be in trouble. In that eventuality, the company will have to procure a considerable sum on loan to buy the technology for producing milk spawn.

5.4 Marketing strategy

Advertising, Trade promotion, and Fairs
The retail shops selling milks will be decorated with attractive posters of milks indicating the availability and containing the information about the benefits of milk consumption. Leaflets will be distributed to the consumers through the national daily newspapers. The leaflets will contain the consumption benefits and cooking process of milk. In the first two years, such campaign would be conducted only in Pokhara division. Afterwards, when the company moves to other divisions, similar campaigns would be conducted there as well.
The retail shops and local vegetable traders would be provided with a trade discount. Moreover, retail shop salespersons and vegetable traders would be handed out T-shirts displaying the company’s logo as part of the motivational technique.

The company will participate in trade fairs. The stalls will serve the visitors several kinds of food, pickles etc made from milks. Free cooking recipes, and free milk sachets will also be provided as part of the sales campaign.

As the company targets the rural as well as the urban market, it will launch radio advertisements and word-of-mouth communication will be spread with the help of reference groups such as the imams, doctors (rural) and teachers. It will also provide free samples to this reference group for promotion.
Customer Service
The company believes in relationship marketing. Therefore, it wants to build a lifetime relationship with its customers. This will be achieved by paying attention to the customer needs. Thus, the company will provide its phone numbers to the customers so that, they can promptly inform about any of their demands or complaints. As it is a new kind of vegetable introduced to the market, people will be very much confused about preparing food items with milk. Therefore, the company will also train and advice customers on preparing foods containing milk. A book of recipes of exotic foods prepared with milk would be distributed in the urban areas.

5.5 Marketing Challenges

The greatest challenge all specialty farmers face is marketing. A thorough study of milk production and marketing is imperative before buying equipment and starting even a small-scale operation. The demand for specialty milks is huge, particularly in Asian countries. Trying to market internationally, however, is beyond the resources of most small and medium-sized companies.Risk analysis includes the discussion of the unforeseeable barriers the company might face and the precautions it would have to take to overcome these barriers. The business might face three unforeseeable barriers. First, it might be the occurrence of natural calamities such as heavy storms during monsoons, high temperatures during summer or low temperature during winter. Second, is attack of any new diseases or pests on milk spawn. Third, is the possibility of a prolonged transportation strike. These barriers would incur high costs for the company in terms of taking precautionary measures and thus would lower its profit. To tackle the second barrier, the company would keep abreast of the development of diseases or pests of milks at home and abroad. If the company observes any anomalous change in any milk spawn, it would immediately separate the troubled spawn from the rest and would send it to the investigation and report.In the event of a prolonged transportation strike all the yield of milks would have to be dried up. Since fresh milks bring more profit than dried milks, such event would lower the profit for the company.

5.6 Pricing Policies

A cost-plus pricing strategy will be adopted to set the price of the product. As the economy of the country is weak, the common people will not be able to purchase the product at a high price. Besides, Raaz Buffalo Farm wants to be the market leader of this industry by establishing a higher quality product at lower price. This will restrict the entry of new competitors and defeat competitors in the market. A profit margin would be achieved by pricing milk at Rs.50 per liter These quoted prices for milk are lower than the existing market prices as compared to Pokhara.

5.7 Sales Policies

It is linked to the long term relationship of suppliers and customers. Suppliers in the sense that they supply required materials and inventory management that reduce cost of production. The relation of the supplier impacts the customer in terms of cost and the continuous supply which increases sales. The sales strategy will be market penetration in the niche market at the initial period. As the domestic market is satisfied we move towards the geographical coverage and the international market. We will focus on personal marketing i.e. home to home delivery. Offer special discount to the departmental store, hotels and restaurants etc. making intimate long term relationship. Membership card will be provided to regular potential customers.

5.8 Distribution Channel

The company will establish an extensive distribution channel for milks to make it available throughout the place. It will build distribution centers in the different divisions of Nawalparasi.  From these distribution centers, the sales representatives will supply the milks to different retail shops (small and mega) on the basis of their demand. The small vegetable traders will purchase milks directly from the distribution centers. On the other hand, the business customers such as hotels and restaurants will place order prior to delivery and the company will supply them directly from the cultivation plant.   Very few suppliers of milk are available whereas a large number of buyers have been giving the opportunity for this farm.

Chapter VI

 Financial Analysis

6.1 Description of Initial Investment

The initial investment in an organization depends on the type of business and the shareholders. For the Raaz Buffalo Farm, the startup cost is Rs. 8,000,000 of which 60% will be financed by equity and remaining 40% will be financed by the long term loan. The company will pay the interest at the rate of 14% in 12 installments in one year.

6.2 Requirements of Fixed Assets

Fixed assets are directly related with the capital budgeting decision. Fixed assets are the backbone of the business. Thus the equipments, human resources, capacity and productivity depend upon the fixed assets of the firm.
Raaz Buffalo Farm will spend approximately Rs. 7,652,000.00 in fixed assets. It includes land, machinery equipments, vehicles, furniture etc. The biggest investment will be in acquisition of land, buffaloes, and the milking machines and other equipments.

6.3 Requirement of Working Capital

Working capital for any organization deals with the funds needed to run the day to day operations. So working capital may vary according to the business plan. Since the business is concerned with cash payment system after the service, there is no need of such a big amount in working capital. The working capital amount is Rs. 318,652. A detail of working capital is shown in the annex in schedule-6.

6.4 Capital Structure

In finance the, the capital structure means the way of financing its assets through some combinations of equity, debt, or hybrid securities.  The initial investment of the project will be Rs. 8,000,000 which consists of equity capital of Rs. 4,800,000 and long term loan of Rs. 3,200,000. The capital structure of the project is stated in the annex part. The ratio of debt to equity is 40:60.

6.5 Loan Payment Schedule

An amortization schedule breaks down the payments into interest and principal. Due to amortization the loan amount varies with each payment. Typically an amortization schedule will also include additional information such as the amount of interest and principal paid, as well as the remaining principal balance. The repayment of loan with the interest is on the type of installments periods. The interest rate is assumed to be 14% as the Agriculture Development Bank provides the loan in low rates to the farmers and the agricultural sectors. The loan amount is Rs 3,200,000. We have planned to pay the principal and interest monthly. The annual amount of installment is Rs 893,501. The detailed information is provided in annex in schedule-12.

6.6 Estimation of Sales Revenue

Every organization has its own type of products and they are sold in varying prices as per the types of products. The products are often either made to enter in new market or are added value to the products. The profit maximization either can be done by producing huge amount in low cost or by adding value to products to increase the price of the products. By this value we can increase the sales. Sales projection is the first step of projection in capital budgeting. The sales revenue is generated from the milk, dung and the calves.

6.7 Estimation of Variable Expenses

Variable costs are those costs which vary according to the change in unit price and the number of units. Cost of raw materials, sales commission, cleaning and supplies, internet, phones come under these expenses. Sales and variable expenses are correlated with each others. When the sales increase then the increase in variable expenses also increase. Variable expense is 24.2% of total sales.

6.8 Estimation of Interest and other Expenses

Loan will be taken from Agriculture Development Bank and thus the interest rate is assumed to be 14% as per the banks law for the livestock. The loan amount will be approved from the Agriculture Development Bank. Since the loan will be paid in 12 installments per year for 5 years in amortization method thus the installment includes both interest and partial payment of principal too. The amortization schedule is shown in the annex part in schedule 12.

6.9 Projected Income Statement

Income statement provides the overall revenues and expenses occurred in the organization. This includes only the revenues and the expenses. On the basis of our analysis, the net income is increasing in the succeeding years. There are the net earnings of Rs 1,088,794 in the first year, and then the income has increased up to Rs.2, 750,848 at the 5th year. The detailed information about income statement is shown in the annex in schedule-3.

6.10 Projected Balance Sheet

Balance sheet is the statement of company’s assets, liabilities and stockholder equity at the given period. It makes transparency in the above assets, liabilities and stockholder’s equity. It also shows the performance of the company. The balance sheet of this project shows that it will have the assets of Rs. 8,000,000 in the first year and increased up to Rs. 16,168,781 in the fifth year.

6.11 Projected Cash flows Statement

Cash flow statement shows the overall cash inflows and cash outflows in the organization. A projected cash flow statement is used to evaluate cash inflows and outflows to determine when, how much, and for what period of time cash surplus or deficit occurs. Statement of cash flow is a statement showing the changes in the organization working capital from the beginning of the year by listing both the sources and the uses of those funds.  It’s useful to determine the viability of the company, particularly its ability to pay bills and meet other obligations. The details of the projected cash flow of Raaz Buffalo Farm are shown in the annex part in schedule-5.

6.12 Projected Breakeven Analysis

Break even sales provides the information about the sales required to meet the expenses or to become income equal to assets. The break-even point is the level of sales at which revenues equals expenses and net income is zero.
Net Income = Sales Revenues – Expenses = 0
Break even sales can be both in units and rupees in this project break even sales in units is calculated, details of this is shown in the annex part in schedule-8.

6.13 Calculation of Payback Period, NPV, IRR, PI

6.13.1 Pay Back Period

Payback period represents the time required to recover its initial cost. The use of payback period as a capital budgeting decision rule specifies that all independent projects with a payback period less than a special numbers of period should be accepted.
Payback period for this project is 2.84 years. Since this method ignores the time value of money and cash flows after the payback period, it can provide only a partial picture of whether the investment is worthwhile. Length of time required to recover the initial amount of a capital investment.

6.13.2 Net Present Value

NPV is the central tool in discounted cash flow analysis and is a standard method for using time value of money to appraise long term projects. The Net present value of the project is Rs.1, 140,235.07. NPV method used in evaluating investments whereby the net present value of all cash outflows (such as the cost of the investment) and cash inflows (returns) is calculated using a given discount rate, usually a required rate of return. An investment is accepted as the NPV is positive. The equation of NPV is as follows:
Where, TPV = Total present value
NCO = Net cash outlays
The detail information is provided in the annex in schedule-9.

6.13.3 Internal Rate of Return

The internal rate of return on an investment is the annualized effective compounded rate of return or the discount rate that makes the net present value of all cash flows from particular investment to zero. The internal rate of return of the project is 24%. The rate of return that would make the present value of future cash flows plus the final market value of an investment or business opportunity equal the current market price of the investment or opportunity. The internal rate of return is an important calculation used frequently to determine if a given investment is worthwhile as it is greater than cost of capital.

6.13.4 Profitable Index

Profitability Index is ratio of the present value of a project's cash flows to the initial investment. A profitability index number greater than 1 indicates an acceptable project, and is consistent with a net present value greater than 1.14. As the projected profitability index of this farm is 1.14  i.e.  greater than one thus the project is acceptable.
The profitability is defined as ratio of TVC to NCO

6.14 Sensitivity Analysis

Sensitivity analysis is the study of uncertainty or the variation in the output of a statistical model can be attributed to different variations in the inputs of the models. In every capital budgeting some variables are uncertain. Future tax rates, interest rates, inflation rates, operating expenses may not be known with great precision. Sensitivity analysis answers the question, “If these variables deviate from expectations, what will be the effect on the business.”The value of different variables in the excel sheets can be changed to evaluate the effects of that variable in the total scenario.

6.15 Major Financial Ratios

Financial ratios assess the liquidity, profitability and productivity of the specific projects. Financial ratios are useful for evaluating the performance of the any organization. Financial ratios are one of the most common tools of managerial decision making. Ratios may serve as indicators, clues, or red flags regarding noteworthy relationships between variables used to measure the firm's performance in terms of profitability, asset utilization, liquidity, leverage, or market valuation. The average ROA, ROI and ROE are 20.84%, 28.12% and 21.34% respectively. The average interest coverage ratio is 19.02. Further details are provided in the annex in schedule-7.

Chapter VII

Assumption / Basis of Financial Calculations

7.1 Underlining Assumptions

Ø  Capacity Utilization
The capacity of production is increased as 60% on the first year and 100% thereafter. Where the total capacity of production of milk is 112,000 liter per year and dung is 125 tractor and the calves are 50 in number. Since the demand of milk is high thus full capacity is used to produce the milk.
Ø  Number of days of operation
The annual working days of the company are 365 days. There won't be any disturbances from the political as from other forces like Band, strike and other disturbances.
Ø  Depreciation is calculated by using straight line depreciation method.
Ø  Pricing is done on the basis of trend of the market.
Ø  Interest on bank loan is supposed to be 14%.
Ø  Income tax is assumed to be 15%.
Ø  Cost, Interest rates and inflation
In this business plan assume a strong economy, without major recession and no unforeseen changes in economic policy to make our service immediately obsolete or unwanted. The cost of materials, utilities, operation expenses etc. doesn’t change and affected by the inflation and increase in interest rate.During the project life the tax rate, deprecation rate for fixed assets will remain constant and insurance fee is assumed to one percent of net assets that remains constant throughout the year of the operation company.Inflation rate will remain constant so that Salary level of the staff will be unchanged for five years as per the rules and there is steady basic monthly salary.
Ø The cost of capital is constant in the entire business plan where cost of capital is the sum of interest rate and the risk premium.
Ø Lastly, it is not affected by internal environment i.e. employers, customer, shareholders or stake holders, labor union etc. as well as external environment i.e. Political and legal, socio-cultural, economical and technological environment. There won't be any natural calamities and destruction.

Chapter VIII

Conclusion & Recommendation

8.1 Conclusion

Business Development Plan (BDP) is an analysis of the ability to complete a project successfully, taking in account of legal, political, economic, technological scheduling and socio-cultural factors. The main objective of BDP is to determine whether a certain plan of action is feasible or not, it will work or not, and is profitable or not.   Examining the financial statements, ratios analysis and cost of capital in capital budgeting we found Business Development Plan feasible and profitable. Raaz Buffalo Farm is profitable business and maximizes the value of the share holders.  From the projected data we have taken in to account from the different sources are more appropriate to our project evaluation and selection.
The project evaluation from the NPV, IRR, cash flow, discounted cash flow and many more methods are providing the more feasibility to establish the project in near future. From the given feasibility report we can say that there is the profitability ratio in to our investment i.e. 1.14, discounted payback period is 2.84 years, IRR is 24% and NPV is Rs. 1,140,235.07 etc. which is favorable in all aspects. From the given financial indicator we can confirm that the capital expenditure is viable to our project.
Analyzing different financial statements and ratio analysis such as income statement, balance sheets, statement of cash flow etc. it seem viable business development plan. The income is enlarged every year and the assets are increased as well which maximizes the promoter’s value. We can draw the following conclusions:
i)        The payback period is less than the assumed time period. Thus the project is acceptable.
ii)      The NPV is positive and the IRR is 24% which is greater than the cost of capital, thus the project is acceptable.
iii)    The profitability index is 1.14 greater than 1, thus the project is suggested to be acceptable and generate profit.

Criteria of evaluation of the project
Total Project Investment
Total Present Value  
Net Present Value
Internal Rate of Return
Pay Back Period (Years)
PBP(Discounted) Years
Benefit Cost Ratio (PCR):
BEP Sales ( %)

The different ratios are examined in which ROA, ROE and ROI and other ratios are feasible for doing business which is clearly shown above.

8.2 Recommendation

  Taking consideration of the above analysis and projection based on the assumptions, I would like to recommend that project is profitable for equity investor and maximizes the shareholders value and wealth as it recover the cost with in the 3 year of operation as well as growth has opportunity in the business. Raaz Buffalo Farm is promising to provide long term benefits in term of profitability, fixed assets and liquidity.
I had performed successful analysis of Raaz Buffalo Farm. The data which I used in this analysis to perform different calculation are real case data that was reference from actual Business Development Plan. The different financial calculation and projection and found the projected revenue budget, income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement. Similarly, found the financial requirement and made the financial plan to carry out our Business Development Plan.
Finally, I recommend you to own the business as the shareholder and assure you will be the prominent entrepreneur.

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